Hi, I'm Kassem Kallas, a Senior Scientist and Junior Professor at INSERM and IMT Atlantique, Brest, France.

I am a senior scientist and junior professor at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research  (INSERM), executing my job at IMT Atlantique in Brest, France as a part of the LaTIM Lab. I work in the area of AI security for healthcare applications. Also, I hold an Executive MBA in staretgic leadership.

I am always happy to talk about science, research, business, cars, technology, psychology, outdoors, gym or communication. Whether looking for a research collaborator or other interests, do not hesitate to email me and/or follow me on social media.

Interests: Deep Learning, Cyber Security, Computer Vision and Game Theory.

If you want to know more about me

       Email kassem.kallas@imt-atlantique.fr

Follow me on Twitter

Check out my page on GitHub

If you’re still not sated, here is a classic academic overshare: myCurriculum Vitae

Selected work


Quantum Neural Networks

INRIA-Linkmedia off-site seminar, Vitré

University of Nantes-Presentation

Hacking and Protecting AI

École Polytechnique de l'Université de Nantes


University of Warwick, UK 

seminar on Adversarial and Backdoor Attacks in Deep Learning


Backdoor Attacks and Defenses in DNNs

National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA


Attacks and Defenses on Consensus Algorithms for Distributed Networks

University of Siena, Italy


PhD defense presentation